Monday, September 2, 2024

New Book Available!

My latest book is out! It is available on Amazon. I will write more about it later. Meanwhile, here is a blurb:    In My African Anthology retired ambassador Robert Gribbin draws upon almost sixty years of contact with Africa to spin tales, recount anecdotes, and air opinions.  Themes in this wonderful collection include trafficking in girls, a long missing treasure, Gacaca justice, fleeing from Ebola, searching for a legendary beast, the U.S. military presence, the emperor’s gold, captured by rebels, a Rwandan update, election sagas, and much more – dogs, golf, spirits and black magic.  In total the collection of pieces – both fiction and non-fiction, humorous and serious - paint a realistic portrait of Africa, its peoples and its issues as seen and experienced by an astute observer. The collection provides just the right mix of history and modernity, with deep insights into Africa.

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